Nina Caporale
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Artist Statement

If identity is performed and art is anything the artist says it is, it’s conceivable that everything I do is part of a lifelong performance artwork resulting in a myriad of artifacts and documentation. 

By building a lifestyle centered on artistic practice, I break boundaries and make room for others to join me.  My practice is rooted first in sculpture because my mind’s eye sees everything in three or more dimensions, secondly in performance thanks to mirror neurons firing more rapidly than language centers in my brain, and thirdly in computing because I mastered drawing and writing on the computer at a young age. 

I love learning to work with new materials and exploring new disciplines; I am especially fond of incorporating found objects and reclaimed materials into my work as a reminder of the inherent worth of every life, as well as the transient nature of our lived experience.


About the Artist

Want to show, buy or sell Nina’s artwork?

Please use the contact form to reach out!

Generally open to customization, commissions, collaborations, guest speaking, exhibitions, residencies, and grant opportunities. Nina may also consider teaching opportunities, on a case-by-case basis. Feel free to send your proposals and invitations via the contact form.
